About me

I am a senior lecturer at the University of Granada, specialized in Artificial Intelligence. As many people, I have several roles:
Since a researcher side, I have an index-h of 23, with more than 24 papers (more than 90% in Q1), with more than 7000 citations. In the main menu, you can see my publications (in many cases with the PDF freely available, ask me if you need any other). Also, I was until this year the Chair on the IEEE CIS Task Force on Large-Scale Global Optimization, because it is a type of optimization I am particularly interested (I was winner in two international competitions, at 2010 and more recently at 2018). I am member of the Andalucian Research Institute in Data Science and Computational Intelligence DaSCI
As a teacher, now I am teaching at the University of Granada, in the Technical School of Technology Engineering, but for more than 10 years I was teaching at the University of Cádiz, where I left a part of my hearts (people were more my friends than my colleagues).
As a computer science that love programming, I am interested in programming in different languages (like C++, Java, ....), and I particularly love Python, and another interesting growing programming languages (like Rust or Julia). I define myself also as a Linux user, this is the only OS in my computers for more than 15 years. Also, I am a believer in Free Software (actually, I was the secretary of Free Software Office at the University of Cadiz).
As a real-world person, I love reading books, watching films, and spend my free time with my girlfriend Amalia ❤️.